clickhouse primary key

  • clickhouse primary key2020/09/28

    In order to illustrate that, we give some details about how the generic exclusion search works. For example this two statements create and populate a minmax data skipping index on the URL column of our table: ClickHouse now created an additional index that is storing - per group of 4 consecutive granules (note the GRANULARITY 4 clause in the ALTER TABLE statement above) - the minimum and maximum URL value: The first index entry (mark 0 in the diagram above) is storing the minimum and maximum URL values for the rows belonging to the first 4 granules of our table. The following illustrates in detail how ClickHouse is building and using its sparse primary index. But that index is not providing significant help with speeding up a query filtering on URL, despite the URL column being part of the compound primary key. KeyClickHouse. ClickHouse uses a SQL-like query language for querying data and supports different data types, including integers, strings, dates, and floats. Similar to the bad performance of that query with our original table, our example query filtering on UserIDs will not run very effectively with the new additional table, because UserID is now the second key column in the primary index of that table and therefore ClickHouse will use generic exclusion search for granule selection, which is not very effective for similarly high cardinality of UserID and URL. Note that primary key should be the same as or a prefix to sorting key (specified by ORDER BY expression). The table has a primary index with 1083 entries (called marks) and the size of the index is 96.93 KB. ID uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid . When a query is filtering (only) on a column that is part of a compound key, but is not the first key column, then ClickHouse is using the generic exclusion search algorithm over the key column's index marks. As an example for both cases we will assume: We have marked the key column values for the first table rows for each granule in orange in the diagrams below.. Processed 8.87 million rows, 15.88 GB (84.73 thousand rows/s., 151.64 MB/s. explicitly controls how many index entries the primary index will have through the settings: `index_granularity: explicitly set to its default value of 8192. https: . Sometimes primary key works even if only the second column condition presents in select: This will allow ClickHouse to automatically (based on the primary keys column(s)) create a sparse primary index which can then be used to significantly speed up the execution of our example query. 1 or 2 columns are used in query, while primary key contains 3). However if the key columns in a compound primary key have big differences in cardinality, then it is beneficial for queries to order the primary key columns by cardinality in ascending order. We have discussed how the primary index is a flat uncompressed array file (primary.idx), containing index marks that are numbered starting at 0. Lastly, in order to simplify the discussions later on in this guide and to make the diagrams and results reproducible, we optimize the table using the FINAL keyword: In general it is not required nor recommended to immediately optimize a table Why does the primary index not directly contain the physical locations of the granules that are corresponding to index marks? For data processing purposes, a table's column values are logically divided into granules. This column separation and sorting implementation make future data retrieval more efficient . Elapsed: 149.432 sec. The primary key in the DDL statement above causes the creation of the primary index based on the two specified key columns. As the primary key defines the lexicographical order of the rows on disk, a table can only have one primary key. after loading data into it. Therefore all granules (except the last one) of our example table have the same size. ClickHouse docs have a very detailed explanation of why: . Mark 176 was identified (the 'found left boundary mark' is inclusive, the 'found right boundary mark' is exclusive), and therefore all 8192 rows from granule 176 (which starts at row 1.441.792 - we will see that later on in this guide) are then streamed into ClickHouse in order to find the actual rows with a UserID column value of 749927693. In total the index has 1083 entries for our table with 8.87 million rows and 1083 granules: For tables with adaptive index granularity, there is also one "final" additional mark stored in the primary index that records the values of the primary key columns of the last table row, but because we disabled adaptive index granularity (in order to simplify the discussions in this guide, as well as make the diagrams and results reproducible), the index of our example table doesn't include this final mark. '', 'WatchID UInt64, JavaEnable UInt8, Title String, GoodEvent Int16, EventTime DateTime, EventDate Date, CounterID UInt32, ClientIP UInt32, ClientIP6 FixedString(16), RegionID UInt32, UserID UInt64, CounterClass Int8, OS UInt8, UserAgent UInt8, URL String, Referer String, URLDomain String, RefererDomain String, Refresh UInt8, IsRobot UInt8, RefererCategories Array(UInt16), URLCategories Array(UInt16), URLRegions Array(UInt32), RefererRegions Array(UInt32), ResolutionWidth UInt16, ResolutionHeight UInt16, ResolutionDepth UInt8, FlashMajor UInt8, FlashMinor UInt8, FlashMinor2 String, NetMajor UInt8, NetMinor UInt8, UserAgentMajor UInt16, UserAgentMinor FixedString(2), CookieEnable UInt8, JavascriptEnable UInt8, IsMobile UInt8, MobilePhone UInt8, MobilePhoneModel String, Params String, IPNetworkID UInt32, TraficSourceID Int8, SearchEngineID UInt16, SearchPhrase String, AdvEngineID UInt8, IsArtifical UInt8, WindowClientWidth UInt16, WindowClientHeight UInt16, ClientTimeZone Int16, ClientEventTime DateTime, SilverlightVersion1 UInt8, SilverlightVersion2 UInt8, SilverlightVersion3 UInt32, SilverlightVersion4 UInt16, PageCharset String, CodeVersion UInt32, IsLink UInt8, IsDownload UInt8, IsNotBounce UInt8, FUniqID UInt64, HID UInt32, IsOldCounter UInt8, IsEvent UInt8, IsParameter UInt8, DontCountHits UInt8, WithHash UInt8, HitColor FixedString(1), UTCEventTime DateTime, Age UInt8, Sex UInt8, Income UInt8, Interests UInt16, Robotness UInt8, GeneralInterests Array(UInt16), RemoteIP UInt32, RemoteIP6 FixedString(16), WindowName Int32, OpenerName Int32, HistoryLength Int16, BrowserLanguage FixedString(2), BrowserCountry FixedString(2), SocialNetwork String, SocialAction String, HTTPError UInt16, SendTiming Int32, DNSTiming Int32, ConnectTiming Int32, ResponseStartTiming Int32, ResponseEndTiming Int32, FetchTiming Int32, RedirectTiming Int32, DOMInteractiveTiming Int32, DOMContentLoadedTiming Int32, DOMCompleteTiming Int32, LoadEventStartTiming Int32, LoadEventEndTiming Int32, NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming Int32, FirstPaintTiming Int32, RedirectCount Int8, SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8, SocialSourcePage String, ParamPrice Int64, ParamOrderID String, ParamCurrency FixedString(3), ParamCurrencyID UInt16, GoalsReached Array(UInt32), OpenstatServiceName String, OpenstatCampaignID String, OpenstatAdID String, OpenstatSourceID String, UTMSource String, UTMMedium String, UTMCampaign String, UTMContent String, UTMTerm String, FromTag String, HasGCLID UInt8, RefererHash UInt64, URLHash UInt64, CLID UInt32, YCLID UInt64, ShareService String, ShareURL String, ShareTitle String, ParsedParams Nested(Key1 String, Key2 String, Key3 String, Key4 String, Key5 String, ValueDouble Float64), IslandID FixedString(16), RequestNum UInt32, RequestTry UInt8', 0 rows in set. Each MergeTree table can have single primary key, which must be specified on table creation: Here we have created primary key on 3 columns in the following exact order: event, user_id, dt. As discussed above, ClickHouse is using its sparse primary index for quickly (via binary search) selecting granules that could possibly contain rows that match a query. This guide is focusing on ClickHouse sparse primary indexes. But I did not found any description about any argument to ENGINE, what it means and how do I create a primary key. Create a table that has a compound primary key with key columns UserID and URL: In order to simplify the discussions later on in this guide, as well as make the diagrams and results reproducible, the DDL statement. Considering the challenges associated with B-Tree indexes, table engines in ClickHouse utilise a different approach. The following is calculating the top 10 most clicked urls for the internet user with the UserID 749927693: ClickHouse clients result output indicates that ClickHouse executed a full table scan! URL index marks: how much (percentage of) traffic to a specific URL is from bots or, how confident we are that a specific user is (not) a bot (what percentage of traffic from that user is (not) assumed to be bot traffic), the insert order of rows when the content changes (for example because of keystrokes typing the text into the text-area) and, the on-disk order of the data from the inserted rows when the, the table's rows (their column data) are stored on disk ordered ascending by (the unique and random) hash values. When choosing primary key columns, follow several simple rules: Technical articles on creating, scaling, optimizing and securing big data applications, Data-intensive apps engineer, tech writer, opensource contributor @ There is a fatal problem for the primary key index in ClickHouse. None of the fields existing in the source data should be considered to be primary key, as a result I have manually pre-process the data by adding new, auto incremented, column. For tables with compact format, ClickHouse uses .mrk3 mark files. . Primary key is supported for MergeTree storage engines family. Once ClickHouse has identified and selected the index mark for a granule that can possibly contain matching rows for a query, a positional array lookup can be performed in the mark files in order to obtain the physical locations of the granule. 8028160 rows with 10 streams, 0 rows in set. With the primary index from the original table where UserID was the first, and URL the second key column, ClickHouse used a generic exclusion search over the index marks for executing that query and that was not very effective because of the similarly high cardinality of UserID and URL. rev2023.4.17.43393. So, (CounterID, EventDate) or (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) is primary key in these examples. ), Executor): Running binary search on index range for part prj_url_userid (1083 marks), Executor): Choose complete Normal projection prj_url_userid, Executor): projection required columns: URL, UserID, cardinality_URLcardinality_UserIDcardinality_IsRobot, 2.39 million 119.08 thousand 4.00 , , 1 row in set. In this case, ClickHouse stores data in the order of inserting. we switch the order of the key columns (compared to our, the implicitly created table is listed by the, it is also possible to first explicitly create the backing table for a materialized view and then the view can target that table via the, if new rows are inserted into the source table hits_UserID_URL, then that rows are automatically also inserted into the implicitly created table, Effectively the implicitly created table has the same row order and primary index as the, if new rows are inserted into the source table hits_UserID_URL, then that rows are automatically also inserted into the hidden table, a query is always (syntactically) targeting the source table hits_UserID_URL, but if the row order and primary index of the hidden table allows a more effective query execution, then that hidden table will be used instead, please note that projections do not make queries that use ORDER BY more efficient, even if the ORDER BY matches the projection's ORDER BY statement (see, Effectively the implicitly created hidden table has the same row order and primary index as the, the efficiency of the filtering on secondary key columns in queries, and. The reason in simple: to check if the row already exists you need to do some lookup (key-value) alike (ClickHouse is bad for key-value lookups), in general case - across the whole huge table (which can be terabyte/petabyte size). The higher the cardinality difference between the key columns is, the more the order of those columns in the key matters. The column that is most filtered on should be the first column in your primary key, the second column in the primary key should be the second-most queried column, and so on. Specifically for the example table: UserID index marks: MergeTreePRIMARY KEYprimary.idx. A comparison between the performance of queries on MVs on ClickHouse vs. the same queries on time-series specific databases. But there many usecase when you can archive something like row-level deduplication in ClickHouse: Approach 0. We will use a subset of 8.87 million rows (events) from the sample data set. The following is showing ways for achieving that. This means that for each group of 8192 rows, the primary index will have one index entry, e.g. We discussed earlier in this guide that ClickHouse selected the primary index mark 176 and therefore granule 176 as possibly containing matching rows for our query. Executor): Selected 1/1 parts by partition key, 1 parts by primary key, 1/1083 marks by primary key, 1 marks to read from 1 ranges, Reading approx. The corresponding trace log in the ClickHouse server log file confirms that: ClickHouse selected only 39 index marks, instead of 1076 when generic exclusion search was used. Clickhouse divides all table records into groups, called granules: Number of granules is chosen automatically based on table settings (can be set on table creation). A long primary key will negatively affect the insert performance and memory consumption, but extra columns in the primary key do not affect ClickHouse performance during SELECT queries. Note that the query is syntactically targeting the source table of the projection. Searching an entry in a B(+)-Tree data structure has average time complexity of O(log2 n). . This uses the URL table function in order to load a subset of the full dataset hosted remotely at ClickHouse clients result output shows us that the statement above inserted 8.87 million rows into the table. Log: 4/210940 marks by primary key, 4 marks to read from 4 ranges. As shown, the first offset is locating the compressed file block within the UserID.bin data file that in turn contains the compressed version of granule 176. Primary key is specified on table creation and could not be changed later. ), 11.38 MB (18.41 million rows/s., 655.75 MB/s.). In order to significantly improve the compression ratio for the content column while still achieving fast retrieval of specific rows, is using two hashes (and a compound primary key) for identifying a specific row: Now the rows on disk are first ordered by fingerprint, and for rows with the same fingerprint value, their hash value determines the final order. the second index entry (mark 1 in the diagram below) is storing the key column values of the first row of granule 1 from the diagram above, and so on. Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? All the 8192 rows belonging to the located uncompressed granule are then streamed into ClickHouse for further processing. ), 0 rows in set. Now we can inspect the content of the primary index via SQL: This matches exactly our diagram of the primary index content for our example table: The primary key entries are called index marks because each index entry is marking the start of a specific data range. ), 0 rows in set. For a table of 8.87 million rows, this means 23 steps are required to locate any index entry. This means rows are first ordered by UserID values. For index marks with the same UserID, the URL values for the index marks are sorted in ascending order (because the table rows are ordered first by UserID and then by URL). If in addition we want to keep the good performance of our sample query that filters for rows with a specific UserID then we need to use multiple primary indexes. We are numbering granules starting with 0 in order to be aligned with the ClickHouse internal numbering scheme that is also used for logging messages. and on Linux you can check if it got changed: $ grep user_files_path /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml, On the test machine the path is /Users/tomschreiber/Clickhouse/user_files/. However, the three options differ in how transparent that additional table is to the user with respect to the routing of queries and insert statements. ), URLCount, 170 , 52 , http://public_search 45 , http://kovrik-medvedevushku- 36 , http://forumal 33 , 14 , 14 , 13 , 10 , http://wot/html?page/23600_m 9 , , 70.45 MB (398.53 million rows/s., 3.17 GB/s. The inserted rows are stored on disk in lexicographical order (ascending) by the primary key columns (and the additional EventTime column from the sorting key). ClickHouse chooses set of mark ranges that could contain target data. ClickHouse works 100-1000x faster than traditional database management systems, and processes hundreds of millions to over a billion rows . Note that this exclusion-precondition ensures that granule 0 is completely composed of U1 UserID values so that ClickHouse can assume that also the maximum URL value in granule 0 is smaller than W3 and exclude the granule. ClickHouse . The primary key needs to be a prefix of the sorting key if both are specified. The primary index file is completely loaded into the main memory. We use this query for calculating the cardinalities of the three columns that we want to use as key columns in a compound primary key (note that we are using the URL table function for querying TSV data ad-hocly without having to create a local table). a query that is searching for rows with URL value = "W3". ), 31.67 MB (306.90 million rows/s., 1.23 GB/s. // Base contains common columns for all tables. Note that the additional table is optimized for speeding up the execution of our example query filtering on URLs. ClickHouse reads 8.81 million rows from the 8.87 million rows of the table. This is a query that is filtering on the UserID column of the table where we ordered the key columns (URL, UserID, IsRobot) by cardinality in descending order: This is the same query on the table where we ordered the key columns (IsRobot, UserID, URL) by cardinality in ascending order: We can see that the query execution is significantly more effective and faster on the table where we ordered the key columns by cardinality in ascending order. Doing log analytics at scale on NGINX logs, by Javi . primary keysampling key ENGINE primary keyEnum DateTime UInt32 Clickhouse key columns order does not only affects how efficient table compression is.Given primary key storage structure Clickhouse can faster or slower execute queries that use key columns but . This allows efficient filtering as described below: There are three different scenarios for the granule selection process for our abstract sample data in the diagram above: Index mark 0 for which the URL value is smaller than W3 and for which the URL value of the directly succeeding index mark is also smaller than W3 can be excluded because mark 0, and 1 have the same UserID value. The following diagram shows the three mark files UserID.mrk, URL.mrk, and EventTime.mrk that store the physical locations of the granules for the tables UserID, URL, and EventTime columns. ALTER TABLE xxx MODIFY PRIMARY KEY (.) For the fastest retrieval, the UUID column would need to be the first key column. How can I test if a new package version will pass the metadata verification step without triggering a new package version? The command changes the sorting key of the table to new_expression (an expression or a tuple of expressions). 1. Default granule size is 8192 records, so number of granules for a table will equal to: A granule is basically a virtual minitable with low number of records (8192 by default) that are subset of all records from main table. Elapsed: 118.334 sec. In order to make the best choice here, lets figure out how Clickhouse primary keys work and how to choose them. ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented DBMS (columnar database management system) for online analytical processing (OLAP) that allows users to generate analytical reports using SQL queries in real-time. It only works for tables in the MergeTree family (including replicated tables). ; This is the translation of answer given by Alexey Milovidov (creator of ClickHouse) about composite primary key. Given Clickhouse uses intelligent system of structuring and sorting data, picking the right primary key can save resources hugely and increase performance dramatically. The located groups of potentially matching rows (granules) are then in parallel streamed into the ClickHouse engine in order to find the matches. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The indirection provided by mark files avoids storing, directly within the primary index, entries for the physical locations of all 1083 granules for all three columns: thus avoiding having unnecessary (potentially unused) data in main memory. Elapsed: 2.898 sec. 319488 rows with 2 streams, 73.04 MB (340.26 million rows/s., 3.10 GB/s. For select ClickHouse chooses set of mark ranges that could contain target data. At the very large scale that ClickHouse is designed for, it is paramount to be very disk and memory efficient. We discussed that because a ClickHouse table's row data is stored on disk ordered by primary key column(s), having a very high cardinality column (like a UUID column) in a primary key or in a compound primary key before columns with lower cardinality is detrimental for the compression ratio of other table columns. the first index entry (mark 0 in the diagram below) is storing the key column values of the first row of granule 0 from the diagram above. The compressed size on disk of all rows together is 206.94 MB. Although in general it is not the best use case for ClickHouse, Can I have multiple primary keys in a single table? the EventTime. Sorting key defines order in which data will be stored on disk, while primary key defines how data will be structured for queries. In the diagram above, the table's rows (their column values on disk) are first ordered by their cl value, and rows that have the same cl value are ordered by their ch value. Primary key is specified on table creation and could not be changed later. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Pick the order that will cover most of partial primary key usage use cases (e.g. for example: ALTER TABLE [db].name [ON CLUSTER cluster] MODIFY ORDER BY new_expression Recently I dived deep into ClickHouse . Predecessor key column has high(er) cardinality. Processed 8.87 million rows, 15.88 GB (74.99 thousand rows/s., 134.21 MB/s. Although in both tables exactly the same data is stored (we inserted the same 8.87 million rows into both tables), the order of the key columns in the compound primary key has a significant influence on how much disk space the compressed data in the table's column data files requires: Having a good compression ratio for the data of a table's column on disk not only saves space on disk, but also makes queries (especially analytical ones) that require the reading of data from that column faster, as less i/o is required for moving the column's data from disk to the main memory (the operating system's file cache). It just defines sort order of data to process range queries in optimal way. Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? How the generic exclusion search works structure has average time complexity of O ( log2 n ) clickhouse primary key subset 8.87! Predecessor key column a B ( + ) -Tree data structure has average time complexity of O ( n. 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